Compression Tools:
tar: to compress files
compress files:
syn: tar -cvf <tarfilename> <file(s)>
ex: tar -cvf files.tar hello.txt hi.txt raj.txt
-c: create
-v: verbose
-f: tar file name
Uncompress files:
syn: tar -xvf files.tar
tar with GZIP feature:
compress: tar -czvf files.tar.gz file1 file2 file3 file4
uncompress: tar -xzvf files.tar.gz
gzip & gunzip:
gzip: to compress file(s)
ex: gzip hello.txt
gunzip: to uncompress the file(s)
ex: gunzip hello.txt.gz
Storing and Analysing Logs:
What is a log file:
A log file is that which have information about all activities done on a linux serer.
By default log files will be available under /var/log/ folder.
messages: Contains most of the information about different activites
secure : contains security related messages like logins, logouts etc.,
/etc/rsyslog.conf: Configuration file where we will have information aout logfiles and when they are uodated
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