OS watcher installation in UNIX


1........ Copy of software from onpremise to OCI shared mountpoint:- 4

2........ Copy of software to app/db directory from shared mountpoint:- 4

3........ Creation of OSWATCHERDATA directory to save oswatcher data from program run:-  4

4........ Starting oswatcher to run :- 4

5........ Verifying oswatcher Run :- 5


1.    Copy of software from onpremise to OCI shared mountpoint:-



[oraprd@x1ebsdb01 oracle]$ scp -r -i /fileserver/work_area/akp/mazda_oci_private_key_ssh.ppk oswbb opc@x3ebsocimta01:/fileserver/software


2.    Copy of software to app/db directory from shared mountpoint:-


[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 ~]$ cd /oramttst/oracle

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oracle]$ cd /fileserver/software

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 software]$ ls -lrd oswbb

drwxrwxrwx. 11 opc opc 4096 May 10 23:05 oswbb

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 software]$ cp -r oswbb /oramttst/oracle/

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 software]$

3.    Creation of OSWATCHERDATA directory to save oswatcher data from program run:-

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oracle]$ mkdir OSWATCHERDATA

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oracle]$ ls -lrd *

drwxrwxrwx.  2 opc      opc       4096 Nov  9 16:01 SPPPRD_11072020

drwxr-xr-x. 11 oramttst oinstall  4096 May 10 23:11 oswbb

drwxr-xr-x.  2 oramttst oinstall  4096 May 10 23:13 OSWATCHERDATA

drwxrwxr-x.  5 oramttst oinstall  4096 Jan 19 22:33 MTEBSTST

drwx------.  2 root     root     16384 Nov  9 20:24 lost+found

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oracle]$

4.    Starting oswatcher to run :-

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oracle]$ cd oswbb

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oswbb]$ pwd


[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oswbb]$ ls

analysis                     docs                           iosub.sh        OSWatcher.sh  profile_old                tmp

analysis_27mar_4amto7am.txt  EBSPRD_analysis                locks           oswbba.jar    psmemsub.sh                vmsub.sh

call_du.sh                   EBSPRD_AWR_27MAR_4AM_7AM.html  ltop.sh         oswib.sh      src                        x1ebsdb01_1240_1310.html

call_sar.sh                  Example_extras.txt             mpsub.sh        oswnet.sh     startOSWbb.sh              x1ebsdb01.mnao.net_top_17.03.07.0100.dat.gz

call_uptime.sh               Exampleprivate.net             nfssub.sh       oswrds.sh     stopOSWbb.sh               xtop.sh

<CR>                         gif                            nohup.out       oswsub.sh     tarupfiles.sh

data                         ifconfigsub.sh                 OSWatcherFM.sh  profile       tar_up_partial_archive.sh

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oswbb]$ nohup sh startOSWbb.sh 15 720 gzip /oramttst/oracle/OSWATCHERDATA &

[1] 9964

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oswbb]$ nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'


[1]+  Done                    nohup sh startOSWbb.sh 15 720 gzip /oramttst/oracle/OSWATCHERDATA

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oswbb]$

5.    Verifying oswatcher Run :-

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oswbb]$ ps -ef | grep -i watcher

oramttst  9968     1  0 23:16 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/sh ./OSWatcher.sh 15 720 gzip /oramttst/oracle/OSWATCHERDATA

oramttst 10037  9613  0 23:16 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -i watcher

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oswbb]$ ps -ef | grep -i watcher

oramttst  9968     1  0 23:16 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/sh ./OSWatcher.sh 15 720 gzip /oramttst/oracle/OSWATCHERDATA

oramttst 10050  9968  0 23:16 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/sh ./OSWatcherFM.sh 720 /oramttst/oracle/OSWATCHERDATA

oramttst 10143  9613  0 23:17 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -i watcher

[oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oswbb]$


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