
GG General use query

 Replication is not working for a few tables between TS1CG1 to TS1PDB select * from GG_TABLE_INFO where DB_NAME='TS1CG1' and dest_db='TS1PDB'and SRC_TABLE IN('XXCPD_FACTOR_MASTER','XXCPD_ITEM_PRICING_ATTRIBUTES','XXCPD_XAAS_LIST_PRICES'); select * from GG_TABLE_INFO where DB_NAME='TS1CG1' and dest_db='TS1DMP' and SRC_TABLE IN('XXITM_EGE_BUNDLE_MAPPINGS','MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B','EGO_MTL_SY_ITEMS_EXT_B','XXITM_EGE_ITEM_REQUEST','XXITM_EGE_RELATION_REQUEST','XXITM_EGE_MULTIROW_ATTRS'); select * from REPL_ALERT where REPLICAT_NAME like 'CG124%' AND DB_NAME='TS1CG1'; select * from REPL_ALERT where REPLICAT_NAME like 'CG1PD040%' AND DB_NAME='TS1CG1'; select * from REPL_ALERT where REPLICAT_NAME like 'CG1PDB01%' AND DB_NAME='TS1CG1'; select * from GG_TABLE_INFO where DB_NAME='TS1CG1' and src_table like '%XXCPD_FACTOR_MASTER%' and ...


  USER SYNC IN PRODUCTION   1.        Login to PRD System Administrator -> Security -> User 2.        Query the user F11 -> Enter username -> Ctrl F11   If User does not exists, Check it in ODSM   3.        Login to ODSM   Click Data Browser -> Enter the Username & Search In the Name section if User exists. Click on User Attributes-> Managed Attributes -> Show all   Scroll down to get the GUID of the user. Note down the orclguid   To manually create the user Disable the profile option Application SSO LDAP Synchronization   Create the user manually with default password. DO NOT ASSIGN ANY RESPONSIBILITY   Make the user SSO enabled select user_name,user_guid from fnd_user where user_name in ('RKURLE');   Update the guid: ...

OS watcher installation in UNIX

Steps  1. ....... Copy of software from onpremise to OCI shared mountpoint:- 4 2. ....... Copy of software to app/db directory from shared mountpoint:- 4 3. ....... Creation of OSWATCHERDATA directory to save oswatcher data from program run:-   4 4. ....... Starting oswatcher to run :- 4 5. ....... Verifying oswatcher Run :- 5   1.     Copy of software from onpremise to OCI shared mountpoint:-     [oraprd@x1ebsdb01 oracle]$ scp -r -i /fileserver/work_area/akp/mazda_oci_private_key_ssh.ppk oswbb opc@x3ebsocimta01:/fileserver/software   2.     Copy of software to app/db directory from shared mountpoint:-   [oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 ~]$ cd /oramttst/oracle [oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 oracle]$ cd / fileserver / software [oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 software]$ ls -lrd oswbb drwxrwxrwx. 11 opc opc 4096 May 10 23:05 oswbb [oramttst@x3ebsocimtdb01 software]$ cp -r oswbb /oramttst/oracle/ [ora...

How to Start/Stop Printer in Linux

 Printer can be checked /or started using root access: ---------------------------------------------------- Types of printers: ---------------- Lexmark (Pasta) --os driver install Zebra printer - /ebsprint --picked by bartender software --opp lpstat -p <PrinterName> Printer not responding! lpq -P <Printer Name> cancel -a <PrinterName> lpq -P <printerName> cupsenable <printerName> lpq -P  <printerName> Hello Team, Umesh has scheduled new alert. Whenever there is any printer in disabled state in Prod(x1ebsa01/x1ebsa02) we will get this alert. Action: To check disabled printer: lpstat -p | grep disable To check printer is installed on server: lpstat -p| grep -i SL_SITEST7_HP_M506 Check the queue on server: lpq -P SL_SITEST7_HP_M506 If there is a long queue, cancel the request Cancel the request: lpq -P SL_RMA_01_HP_M506 cancel -a SL_RMA_01_HP_M506 cupsenable SL_RMA_01_HP_M506 lpq -P SL_RMA_01_HP_M506 Few additional commands just for FYI: To che...

How to Put Concurrent Pending Jobs on Hold before downtime .

  select name from v$database; REM  Jobs already on hold select count(1) from  apps.fnd_concurrent_requests  where phase_code='P' and hold_flag='Y'; create table xxbkp.fnd_conc_reqs_hold_03dec20 as select  * from  apps.fnd_concurrent_requests  where phase_code='P' and hold_flag='Y'; select count(1)  from  xxbkp.fnd_conc_reqs_hold_03dec20; REM putting all pending jobs  (which are NOT on hold) to hold select count(1) from  apps.fnd_concurrent_requests  where phase_code='P' and hold_flag='N'; create table xxbkp.fnd_concurrent_reqs_03dec20 as select * from  apps.fnd_concurrent_requests  where phase_code='P' and hold_flag='N'; select count(1)  from  xxbkp.fnd_concurrent_reqs_03dec20; REM  Putting pending jobs on hold REM  if the above  records match run update statement as below to put pending jobs on hold update apps.fnd_concurrent_requests  set hold_flag='Y'  where phase_code='P' and re...

EBS Oracle Database upgrade to steps .

Oracle Database upgrade to       Section 1: Upgrading an R12 Database to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2.0) Verify software versions:-   The following software component versions must exist in your environment. Software Minimum Version Tier Details Oracle Database Enterprise Edition N/A Database Read the "Determine the Upgrade Path" subsection in Chapter 2 of the Oracle Database Upgrade Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) . Make sure that direct upgrade is supported from your current release. Oracle E-Business Suite 12.0.4 or 12.1.1 Application If you are on E-Business Suite Release 12.0, apply Patch 6435000  - Oracle E-Business Suite 12.0.4 Patch 8623536  - 11g Release 2 interoperability patch for Release 12.0.4 Patch 9868229 If you are on E-Business Suite Release 12.1, apply ...