How to Put Concurrent Pending Jobs on Hold before downtime .


select name from v$database;

REM  Jobs already on hold

select count(1) from  apps.fnd_concurrent_requests  where phase_code='P' and hold_flag='Y';

create table xxbkp.fnd_conc_reqs_hold_03dec20 as select  * from  apps.fnd_concurrent_requests  where phase_code='P' and hold_flag='Y';

select count(1)  from  xxbkp.fnd_conc_reqs_hold_03dec20;

REM putting all pending jobs  (which are NOT on hold) to hold

select count(1) from  apps.fnd_concurrent_requests  where phase_code='P' and hold_flag='N';

create table xxbkp.fnd_concurrent_reqs_03dec20 as select * from  apps.fnd_concurrent_requests  where phase_code='P' and hold_flag='N';

select count(1)  from  xxbkp.fnd_concurrent_reqs_03dec20;

REM  Putting pending jobs on hold

REM  if the above  records match run update statement as below to put pending jobs on hold

update apps.fnd_concurrent_requests  set hold_flag='Y'  where phase_code='P' and request_id in (

select request_id  from xxbkp.fnd_concurrent_reqs_03dec20);

REM this should match with previous records and if  same commit


REM Removing jobs from hold

update apps.fnd_concurrent_requests  set hold_flag='N'  where phase_code='P' and request_id in (

select request_id  from xxbkp.fnd_concurrent_reqs_03dec20);

REM this should match with previous records (no of records put on hold) and if  same commit



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