User Management in Linux[How to create User,group]
User Management: What is a shell? A shell is a user interface where we execute commands/scripts There are diifferent Shells available: 1. ksh (K Shell) 2. sh (Born Shell) 3. bash Born Again Shell 4. csh 5. tcsh etc., /etc/shells: contains list of shells installed in our machine /etc/passwd: contains information about all user accounts fields Description 1 username 2 password(Encrypted) 3 User ID 4 Group ID 5 GCOS (fullname, phoneno. etc., information about user) 6 home dir 7 shell useradd: used to add a user account syn: useradd <-options> username -g: to set primary group to a user -G: to set secondary group(s) for a user -s: to specify shell -d: to set home directory * what are options used to set UID,GCOS ex: #groupadd dba #useradd -g dba -G users -s /bin/sh -d /home/dba1 king #id King [display information about user King] #useradd -g dba -G users,uclid01 -d /home/dba2 -s /bin/sh Raju user ID for root -- 0 user Id's: 1 to 499 -- system accou...