How to create Linux Partition using Fdisk Command .

fdisk: Used to create/manage/delete partitions on linux operating system

# fdisk -cul /dev/sda
 Shows information about partitions

Creating and using a partition:

1. Use fdisk to create a partition'
 fdisk -cu /dev/sda
2. reboot the server
3. format the partition
 mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda4
4. Mount the partition
 # mkdir /king
 # mount /dev/sda4 /king
5. verify the mount
 # df -h

Mounting FS permanenlty:
1. add the follwoing entry in /etc/fstab file
/dev/sda4 /king ext4 defaults 0 0
2. use the command 'mount -a'

How to unmount  a partition:
 umount /dev/sda4
 umount /king
How to mount a partition with UUID

1. generate UUID
 # blkid /dev/sda5
2. Copy the UUID generated and add it in fstab file
UUID=980d09ds8f08sd0fsd0f8sd08 /king ext4 defautls 0 0

managing swap partitions
1. use 'fdisk' to create a new partition and change system ID to 82(Linux swap/solaris)

2. reboot the machine

3. format the swap partition
 mkswap /dev/sda6
4. Add the entry in '/etc/fstab' file
/dev/sda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

swapon -a: to mount all swap partitions
swapon /dev/sda6 : only to mount specific partition

swapon -s: Show the list of swap partitions (used)

swapoff /dev/sda6: to unmount a swap partition

swapoff -a: to unmount all swap partitions


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